Voting in the November 2010 election is paramount, because the 111th Congress was one of the most productive legislative bodies in our country's history. Many of the conservatives who wanted to turn back the clock understand that President Obama came to Washington with an agenda. The progressive legislation that he was able to get passed has forced the Republicans and conservatives to challenge his agenda.
One thing that Democrats know in the 2010 election is that the Republicans and Conservatives will vote in record numbers. When they say they want their country back, it means that there is political transformation taking place in America. In the years to come, our leaders must be visionary with a plan for our country's future.
The conservative special interest has spent millions on these elections to defeat incumbents, stop workers rights, and progressive thinking. Many of these conservatives are against innovative programs that allocate federal funding because they want to go backward to a smaller government.
Americans are very angry, but the problems or the recovery act did not start with the Obama administration. The recovery act was started by the Bush Republican administration, because he knew that the economy needed an infusion of federal funding to jumpstart and save the financial, building and jobs markets.
Wasteful spending, ineffective leadership, and no succession planning have left our country with an outdated infrastructure, and systems that are broken. The Obama administration and 111th Congress started their session with an avalanche of problems, but the Democrats were the majority party in both houses, and this was their advantage to get things done.
From the very first day of this congressional session, Congressman Steny Hoyer said the Democrats had a plan. "The choice we made was in support of the American worker, American taxpayer, and the American consumer. From day one Congress had the overriding goal of stopping the free fall of the economy, creating jobs, and building a solid foundation for the future."
The 111th Congress was able to get laws passed that will fundamentally change the course of history and support the middle class, seniors, children, women, and disadvantaged Americans. President Obama and his administration were able to get laws on the books, but this is only the first step. His administration now has the responsibility to implement the laws and make them functional.
President Obama and 111th Congress was able to get the first comprehensive health care reform legislation in decades passed, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Children Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Worker Homeownership and Business Assistance Act, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, and many more bills were passed. This is one of the most productive Congresses in our country's history.
Special interests are trying to buy this election by inundating the airways and media with the message, that President Obama is wastefully spending our future generation's livelihood and dollars. But the truth is that President Obama is creating the groundwork for innovative investments for future jobs, businesses, and systems.
President Obama is a visionary who needs more time to complete what he has started. Voting in this election is one of the most important responsibilities, which everyone has to do as a citizen. Regulating the power of multi-national corporations and large corporations must be controlled by the federal government, because we live in a global society.
The Republicans, Conservatives, and the Tea Party are focused on going back, instead of forward. Let President Obama continue with his plan and vote for the Democrats.
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