Monday, October 25, 2010

Can President Obama Finish What He Has Started? By Roger Caldwell

Voting in the November 2010 election is paramount, because the 111th Congress was one of the most productive legislative bodies in our country's history. Many of the conservatives who wanted to turn back the clock understand that President Obama came to Washington with an agenda. The progressive legislation that he was able to get passed has forced the Republicans and conservatives to challenge his agenda.

One thing that Democrats know in the 2010 election is that the Republicans and Conservatives will vote in record numbers. When they say they want their country back, it means that there is political transformation taking place in America. In the years to come, our leaders must be visionary with a plan for our country's future.

The conservative special interest has spent millions on these elections to defeat incumbents, stop workers rights, and progressive thinking. Many of these conservatives are against innovative programs that allocate federal funding because they want to go backward to a smaller government.

Americans are very angry, but the problems or the recovery act did not start with the Obama administration. The recovery act was started by the Bush Republican administration, because he knew that the economy needed an infusion of federal funding to jumpstart and save the financial, building and jobs markets.

Wasteful spending, ineffective leadership, and no succession planning have left our country with an outdated infrastructure, and systems that are broken. The Obama administration and 111th Congress started their session with an avalanche of problems, but the Democrats were the majority party in both houses, and this was their advantage to get things done.

From the very first day of this congressional session, Congressman Steny Hoyer said the Democrats had a plan. "The choice we made was in support of the American worker, American taxpayer, and the American consumer. From day one Congress had the overriding goal of stopping the free fall of the economy, creating jobs, and building a solid foundation for the future."

The 111th Congress was able to get laws passed that will fundamentally change the course of history and support the middle class, seniors, children, women, and disadvantaged Americans. President Obama and his administration were able to get laws on the books, but this is only the first step. His administration now has the responsibility to implement the laws and make them functional.

President Obama and 111th Congress was able to get the first comprehensive health care reform legislation in decades passed, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the Children Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Worker Homeownership and Business Assistance Act, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, and many more bills were passed. This is one of the most productive Congresses in our country's history.

Special interests are trying to buy this election by inundating the airways and media with the message, that President Obama is wastefully spending our future generation's livelihood and dollars. But the truth is that President Obama is creating the groundwork for innovative investments for future jobs, businesses, and systems.

President Obama is a visionary who needs more time to complete what he has started. Voting in this election is one of the most important responsibilities, which everyone has to do as a citizen. Regulating the power of multi-national corporations and large corporations must be controlled by the federal government, because we live in a global society.

The Republicans, Conservatives, and the Tea Party are focused on going back, instead of forward. Let President Obama continue with his plan and vote for the Democrats.

Check out Roger's other blogs on President Obama Watch at

Monday, October 18, 2010

Anti-Incumbent Mood Has Swept Across the Country by Roger Caldwell

In the mid-term elections, it appears that the Democrats and the Independents are extremely apathetic about the race. There has been some positive movement with the Democratic base, but the younger voters in the party is lacking in its intensity. The Republicans are more animated and motivated, and they will be out in large numbers to vote in this election.

Gallup polls indicate that the Republicans enjoy a 13% to an 18% turnout advantage among voters likely to vote. All across the country there are races that are too close to call and either party can win.

Many Democratic candidates are refusing to use President Obama's agenda as the platform to connect their campaign too. Instead these candidates are projecting their independence and distancing their relationship with the president.

In a magazine article, President Obama admitted that his team failed to communicate effectively to American voters in his first two years of office. His team only focused on policy, while ignoring an effective sales pitch to the public. This was a major mistake because the public did not always understand what the Obama administration was trying to accomplish.

The Republicans were able to make President Obama look like the same old tax and spend Democrat, who spend and spend without results. When President Obama was trying to sell the stimulus package, he was always talking about the shovel-ready projects that would bring millions of job. Many states and city leaders are wondering what happened to all the "shovel-ready" jobs?

President Obama has not been able to deliver and many of the Democratic candidates are frustrated with the president's promises. In our microwave society, the president has been forced to talk out of both sides of his mouth. In this same article, President Obama admits that shovel-ready jobs are not as plentiful as he first indicated.

No one can predict in this mid-term election which party will gain the most seats. The conservatives are divided and polarized because of the Tea party and the splitting of the vote. In many of the races there are three candidates and the Tea party are candidates in 128 races during this mid-term election.

Every incumbent is in a major battle for their political life; the Democratic base and the younger voters can change the results of this election. The youth have power in their hands and there appears to be a limited focus on this segment of the Democratic Party. Many of the incumbents have always won and have not changed their strategy and used networking/internet marketing.

The reality of 2010 election is that many of the incumbents did not use the internet to get their message to their constituents. As a result, their constituents did not know their record, and understand what they have accomplished.

President Obama has stated that his next two years will not focus on trying to pass new legislation, but implement and coordinate what passed in the first two years of his administration. American is looking for results and they want to know how a particular bill is helping their family. Americans are tired of the doubletalk and want solutions that they can touch.

President Obama will continue to travel across the country and energize the Democratic Party and get the vote out. He will help raise money, but many of the incumbents are moving to the middle and are against many of the president's policies.

As the November 2nd gets closer, it's best to get out and vote. The worst thing that all the voters can do is not have a voice and not vote. The vote is our voice and will determine the future of our country.


Check out Roger's other blogs on President Obama Watch at



Monday, October 11, 2010

President Obama Thinks Longer School Year Makes Smarter Students by Roger Caldwell

With almost every school system in the country laying off teachers and cutting expenses, the President is proposing longer school days and possible additional weeks to the school year. Education is the key to move our country forward and help our children realize their dream with a good paying job. Almost every job is connected to a computer, or some form of advanced technology, and our president received a good education.

At three and four, children learn how to operate a computer and some already have an email. Learning and knowledge will be based on the student's individual commitment to achievement, and twelve year olds will have the ability to operate on an advanced high school level.

Nevertheless, there is a crisis in public education and in certain school districts where forty percent of the children do not graduate. Our schools are failing the American student and on a global scale, our children are behind in every subject. In math, our 15-year old students lag behind 31 countries in a recent international educational study.

The Secretary of Education states, "Our children have stagnated educationally, putting our long term economic security at-risk." The president is correct when he wants our educational system to stay competitive on a global level. But the major issue is "How do you transform a system that is failing our children and is deteriorating every year and not able to pay its bills?"

Children who do not graduate are 8 times more likely to go to jail and earn less. Black 12th graders read on a white 8th grade level and this generation will be less literate. In our communities the system is broken, and our children are set up to fail.

There is a fundamental problem with the educational system today and making the school year longer will not correct the problem. Education will have to become a priority in every school system in the country with excellence as the focus. The parents and teachers will have to stop giving lip-service to excellence, and practice it on a daily basis.

Inner-city school districts should receive a larger percentage of financial expenditures and resources, and the administrators improve the educational facilities. If the leaders and administrators do not take pride in world class facilities, how do they expect the children to function on a world class level?

President Obama and his Secretary of Education are big supporters of the charter schools and parents are taking their children out of the public schools because they are failing and broken. There is a crisis in the public school system that can turn into a catastrophe, and it will be impossible to learn in an inner-city school. If the students at charter schools can learn, than the public school system can be fixed.

It is time for a dialogue with school administrators, teachers, parents, and resource employees. The time that we waste using antiquated teaching skill practices can be achieved in least time with individual computer work stations. Instead of making the school day longer, the school day can become shorter.

Learning and education can become a joy and the student is motivated and inspired. It is time for our educators to get outside of the box and make education fun. Once we stop operating our schools like prison, the students will start treating knowledge as a gift.

There is power in partnerships and our schools have the ability to make learning practical and applicable to real life situations. Making the school year longer will only frustrate the teachers, parents, and students. Using technology and individual study will create a better student who has a goal and purpose with his education.


Check out other blogs by Roger at





Adults Need Training To Respond To Bullying by Roger Caldwell

In the month of September 2010, there were four US teens that received local, regional, and national exposure from the media, because they committed suicide as a result of bullying. It is obvious that there is a fundamental problem in our culture, when teenagers are threatened, intimidated and abused because their sexual orientation is different.

These tragic incidents indicate that our society is failing in protecting our children, and parents, teachers, administrators and leaders are looking the other way and not doing their job. For example, in Florida, James Jones, a father decided to take matters into his own hands and admitted getting on a school bus, and threatened students who were bullying his daughter. There is an epidemic in our schools and it is terrible that someone has to die or almost die before laws are enacted.

At a federal seminar this year, the Education Secretary Arne Duncan gave 2007 bullying statistics, which are appalling and an indictment on safety in our schools. In 2007, 1 out of 3 students in middle school and high school during the school year reported being bullied. Over 2.8 million students said they have been pushed, shoved, or spit on during the school year. Over 1.5 million have been threatened with harm and 900,000 high school students reported being cyber- bullied.

In every school system, there is a need for diversity training and respect for alternative lifestyle choices. It is important that parents and teachers receive training with the students and learn what to do when there is a problem. The parents and teachers must be aware of the signs, when a student needs help.

New Jersey student Tyler Clementi jumped from a bridge after his roommate allegedly taped him having sex with a man and posted it on the internet. Asher Brown, a 13 year old from Houston,Texas shot himself after being accused of being gay. Seth Walsh and Billy Lucas of Indiana hung themselves for being bullied for their sexual orientation.

Teasing and practical jokes is something that teens and young adults do when they are having fun. However, there is a thin line when the teasing is vicious, malicious, and becomes a criminal act. Laws will have to be enacted to stop and control bullying in our schools.

Opening the lines of communication with the students is vital, if our society accepts respect for everyone. Because someone is different or sick does not condone disrespectful, bullying, and aggressive behavior.


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White House Economic Advisor Leaves Obama’s Team….by Roger Caldwell


With the mid-term election 20 days away, President Obama is starting to make changes with his economic team. There has been no change with the unemployment numbers, over 120 bank closures this year, and foreclosures are at an all time high. The economy is barely growing and the voters are frustrated and angry.

As President Obama's popularity continues to decline, there are 3 major departures from his economic team that indicates that there are problems with their programs. When President Obama made four of his initial appointments to his economic team, many voters expected that the economic conditions in the country would improve. No one expected drastic changes, but expected a feeling that we were starting to rebound and there was confidence in the economy.

In stead of a reversal, the situation is not changing, and Peter Orszyg, budget director, and Christine Romer, head of the council of economic advisors have left the administration. These two advisors have been replaced by Jack Lew and Austin Goolsbee, but Larry Summer is also leaving at the end of the year. That means that three of the four of the president's initial appointments have left or are leaving.

Larry Summer is the Director of the Economic Council and the top White House Economic Advisor to President Obama. Larry Summer was the Treasury Secretary during the Clinton administration days, and is the architect of the recovery act, the job creation measures, and the financial stability programs.

It appears that Obama's administration is busy congratulating themselves that they didn't have a second Depression, instead of developing programs that are making significant changes in the economy. Many economists think that Larry Summer and Timothy Geithner is too busy protecting Wall Street and bailing out large corporations, instead of working for every American. Summer has always been tied to Wall Street and hedge funds, where he made millions of dollars as an advisor.

Some believe that President Obama should also give our present Treasury Secretary his walking papers, because Geithner is the chief architect of the administration's failed economy policies. The present economic plan is not working, and the majority of citizens are still struggling to make ends meet.

It is time for a major shake up in the Obama administration. Polls show that angry and frustrated voters are moving away from Democrats, which could shift control in one of the houses in Congress. President Obama's economic team must do more to improve the economic recovery and tackle the critical financial problems facing the country.

The government needs to act and stop sweeping problems under the rug, and bailing out our banking system with bailout funds. It's time to address the toxic assets on the banks balance sheets, so there can be confidence in the economic system. Until banks are healthy, they will continue not to lend money and the financial system will remain paralyzed.

The issues facing the country must be confronted with progressive economists, who are working for the entire country. High joblessness, toxic assets on the banks balance sheets, negative real estate markets, and slow economic growth is creating a major gap between the rich and the middle class.

With Larry Summer leaving, President Obama has the opportunity to bring fresh ideas to the table and move the country forward. We need economic leaders who understand the entire financial landscape and align themselves with more than just large corporations and Wall Street.

Forcing the rich to share more of their income through taxation makes sense. Income and wealth in America is concentrated in the hands of a few and Main Street needs a helping hand. It is time to shake up our economic advisors and make them come down from their glass ceilings.


Check out other blogs by Roger's at